Woop woop it's Friday!
I hope everyone has had a good week? It's gone quite quickly for me actually. It has been a nippy one though, it's been trying to snow for a few days now but this morning we finally woke up to a white blanket covering everything. The puppy loved leaping through the piles of it when we went for a walk through the fields this morning and had to be wrapped in a towel when we got back to dry off.
I can't believe how big he is now. We've started letting him off the lead on walks and he loves it. He is very good at coming back when called, but I have been tying a long rope to him because I'm terrified he'll just suddenly dash off. You can see it whipping behind him in this photo, he's so speedy!
Last weekend we had our friends come to visit us. They got married last year and Tom went to university with Joel so we've known them both for years. And they told us the lovely news that they're expecting the pitter patter of tiny feet! (a baby - not a puppy friend for Harvey). So exciting though!
Tom is working over the weekend whilst Harvey and I travel back to my mum and dad's for a couple of days. I have back to back wedding venues to view with mum so it's going to be busy! I'm looking at a range of places; farms, botanical gardens, country houses and an old Inn. But hopefully I will have more of an idea of what we can have at the end. Tom isn't invited until I have our options narrowed down a bit!
Now we have the internet back I have a plan for regular posts so stay tuned.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend in the meanwhile!
Ahh that sounds like an exciting weekend, good luck with the wedding venue hunting! Xx
Thank you! I hope you have a lovely weekend too! x x